A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

This project has undergone a major rework. Check out the latest devlog for more info!

Hello! After remaking Mal.O Interactive, I also wanted to make this game better. Like MI, this will replace the old Mal.O On Camera game on the Itch.io store page. Enjoy this remaster!

Catch the lewd anomaly before she enters your room... ❤️

Recently you started getting stalked by Scp-1471 (MalO). For 5 days, a brutal storm has been raging outside your home, cutting off your power every night. MalO will use this opportunity to enter your home and get inside your pants... Your job is to try and stop her (or not)

⭐ FNAF style gameplay mixed with unique mechanics

⭐ Special rewards for surviving (and losing) each night

⭐ Voice lines, taunting and sound effects!

⭐ 6 lewd scenes, including 1 bonus scene after night 5!

⭐ Potato mode for increased optimization features.

⚠️ This game contains light Jumpscares! This game takes multiple gameplay elements from Five Nights at Freddys', so it contains light jumpscares from MalO

Pre Requisites:

  • This game is formatted for 1920 x 1080 displays. If there are missing UI elements or anything is cut off, try running the game in a 16:9 resolution (preferably 1920x1080)

Cant buy the game? No problem! Download the demo for free and try out the first 2 nights, complete with their sex scenes!

Support my work by simply buying the game! If you cant support monetarily, its ok! Just downloading the demo helps too <3

If you want to support me further, and like my work, you can follow my twitter for progress updates and other NSFW work on my journey to learning blender and becoming better with it 

Check out my sister project!

If you want to support me more, you can subscribe to my Patreon to get extra features like Patreon exclusive works and free access to all my games! 


Lost progress or just too lazy? here is the cheat code to get to the end of the game ;) (Unlocks all scenes)

Code: 0Ot13RFhtx4

PlatformsWindows, Android
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(126 total ratings)
GenreSurvival, Interactive Fiction
Tags3D, Adult, Erotic, Fantasy, Five Nights at Freddy's, Furry, Horror, Indie, Singleplayer


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

[OLD] MalO_On_Camera_V1.7_FULL 163 MB
[OLD] MalO On Camera 1.76_Full.zip 221 MB
[OLD] MalO_On_Camera_V1.7_FULL.apk 232 MB
MalO_On_Camera_RemasteredV1.0Full.rar 132 MB
MalO_On_Camera_Remastered_Full.apk 187 MB
MOCR_Full_V1.2.apk 188 MB
MOCR_Full_V1.2.zip 160 MB

Download demo

MOCR_V1.2_Demo.zip 160 MB
MOCR_Demo_V1.2.apk 188 MB

Development log


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I can’t play the game’s demo :(



I saw this game and I gotta say, great game, they've never a game like this before. MAGA 2025 Baby!

Hey there, if we buy the game here on itch and the game gets a Steam release, would we get the Steam version for free?

and where is the saving of the game malo on camera

Is there a non scare jump version of this game? It seems interesting and all but the idea of scarejumps just isn't good for me?


This game has very minimal jumpscares and no loud noises, don't worry :)


ah okay thanks I'm a bit worried about buying it just to find out I won't be able to play it hehe kinda got worried after just a minute on the first night 

(1 edit) (-1)

Yo what's up  MikiY umm i bought the game on android and it's telling me the file is harmful is it safe to download  just wondering later 


It is safe, don't worry

Alright thanks have a good night (:


The phone mechanique in the legacy version of the game was fun, r we ever gonna get it back ?


If there is enough demand for it, I will add it back :)

fair enough, gud game tho

Hey MikiY i bought the spooky bundle a few updates back around 1.2v i was wondering if i have to request something fro itch to download the new version or something i dont know what to do abt it.

Hello. if you bought the bundle you should have access to all versions of the game, including new ones! go to the main page and it should be there for you. :)

I represent Sunflower Games.  I'm putting together a Christmas bundle on this website with a couple of devs.  Comment below if you want to join.

Is there a way to download the old game?


Ive put the old files back into the PC full version

(1 edit) (+1)

hey ive been trying to use the code but it doesnt work

on the 1.76 version


I like the idea of it, albeit there are a few things that could need some improvements.

Mal0 is for me impossible to spot in Night 2. The only time I ever see her is when she is already in the room. In Night 1 I saw her a handful of times, though even then it was not possible for me to really grasp any movement patterns. Does she have patterns? I mean, I imagine she walks through the house and tries to reach the player, but most of the time she is never on any of the screens, making the video feed seem useless. The missing layout of the building makes it hard to imagine where the rooms are. I cannot tell if the Bathroom is on the upper floor or ground floor.

It would be good if Mal0 was either on one of the cameras or on the window at all times, just so the player can track her. Right now it feels extremely random. Is there any image sign or sound cue that shows that she moves? That could be helpful as well. Also, I wonder how she would appear on the window if she is outside to get up to look through the window. Maybe she opens windows inside the house as a checkpoint of sorts to slip out and try the bedroom window from outside? That could also help the player see where she was at.

The sex scene is nice overall, albeit the tongue seems to clip on the blowjob (though I only ever saw the blowjob to be fair). When the player cums inside there is no trace of any cum seen. And when the player cums outside, the cumshot is lacking. Usually cumshots in 3D almost never turn out well sadly, but I feel this one could use more work than regular 3D cumshots. No offense meant. Also, it is unclear to me when a player cums inside and outside as there doesn't seem to be a button for it. Is it at random?

Either way, I want to thank the dev for giving a demo of the game. It is nice to test a game out first and then decide if one wants to buy it. Right now the game is a pass for me. Like mentioned, I did get frustrated at the gameplay. xD

I hope this critique isn't off-putting. I do like the idea and it is quite neat for what it is. I just think there is definitely some room for improvement. I am interested in what you, the dev, will do from here on out, so I will follow. ^^


No worries for the critique! There's not much flow to the game as I more do imagined her teleporting randomly around the house trying to tease the player before she gets bored and ends the game. 

As for cum shots, you're right in that simulating these in real time would be a huge cost and Im looking for solutions that work with unity, so apologies for that!

Teleporting randomly of course makes it harder and more frustrating. I think you should consider giving her a more traceable movement, like mentioned. It is more fun to actually work to keep her away when she is slowly approaching instead of popping up far and close without a pattern. Pattern recognition was a big thing for FNAF and I would argue it is one of the things that made it successful. Players are more invested when they feel like they have some control.

Also, thanks for answering and your hard work. I hope you manage to improve further. ^^

Simple fun game keep it up only thing i would change is how she spawns the screen flickers making it very easy to tell when see active but other then that this was worth the price tag keep it up

Thanks for the feedback! :)


I paid and didn't get the files

I think the battery dropped a bit too quickly.


hi Mikiy, is there an alternative to buy your games besides patreon and itch io? I just live in Belarus and there are HUGE problems with purchasing games.

Hello! I might move them to steam in the future. Are there other places you can suggest to put them too? :)

please place it on steam, i can't seem to buy it on itch.io no matter what i do

да согласен. Я бы хотел увидеть эту игру в steam.

Привет, MikiY. Можно ли поставить их на Boosty?

P.S. (Это похоже на Patreon).

I really enjoy this game, it was honestly fun and easier to learn the mechanics of the game compared to some other games like this, in my opinion

how do I enter the code? I tried the heart at the top right of main screen but nothing happens


Would there be the possibility of adding on a male mal0 or another enemy to create more game variety?

Will the cheat code unlock the new scenes? Or am I gonna have to "Earn it"?

I like the games!

There are problems, a lot of bugs, but 1. battery: 2. empty where MalO lost later, it’s not clear: 3. quit Record audio big % and no less than the previous %: 

I’m sorry for the game

Hi MikiY, at the moment there is a nuance with optimization in the game, namely on the android platform, on my infinix gt10 15-21 fps you need to work on optimizing the game, the game itself is beautiful, but because of the optimizations, the impression spoils.



Lo mismo pero en Español xD


Hi y'all! Any tips for nightmare mode? I have spent a very silly amount of time on it lol

I have tried simply checking the door and window to save power but I assume if too many cameras go out or something that also leads to a loss?

Hey! She will get angry if you don't flash her in the cams often, so try and listen out for audio cues for when she might appear! Nightmare mode is also a little lucky based so you just have to be extra lucky ;)

Me pasé todas las noches, la verdad es que la batería se gasta bastante rápido así que llegó un momento que se volvió bastante difícil xD

will there be more scenes with her?

En efecto, hice un vídeo sobre este juego y aquí está. Más próximamente 😈.

I beat the game right after downloading it i agree with others it is a tad to easy but nightmare mode definitely made me tense up since i couldn't hear the steps only issue i noticed throughout the whole game is everytime she teleports to the window i can see her for a split second go through the walls in the room and appear at the window idk if anyone else noticed this or if I just have quick eyes but yeah it's not a bad bug but a bug nonetheless I think 

will this come to steam?

Futa content? 

Sorry, not right now.


I'll be waiting for that!

a patient person is admirable

Hello, is there a fps limit in the game? I have a rtx 3070ti and the fps counter is always at 1500, as soon as Mal`O appears on the screen, the throttles start whistling, thanks.

Hey! There should be an FPS cap of 120 in the latest version

I don't know, I downloaded the latest version, but what's strange is that this doesn't happen in Mal.O Interactive Remastered.

Does or will this have futa-on-male?

No, sorry

Me gusto mucho el juego, lo malo es que yo no tengo tarjeta de crédito para comprar el juego, de todas formas tampoco tengo dinero para comprar el juego, :(

(1 edit) (+1)

ngl, this game is really good, and the nightmare night is hard yet fun good job


9/10 becuase this is way more fleshed out than Smilers Den. However this one comes with a lot of problems as well. Its too easy. Like Slimers Den and no i did not had Easy mode on. I remember 1.4 of this game. It was a real challange and i felt like i earned winning that one. And that one had custom night as well which unlocked extra stuff too. Please reput 1.4 and 1.7 download links i accidently deleted those. I cheated and played night 4 and 5 only becuase i figured this is prob as easy as Smilers Den which it was. Should have been much harder and the normal game without easy mdoe on should become easy mode and the normal mdoe should we waay harder. Now to gameplay problems. She glows in the door there is no need for flashlight at all. This can be easily fixed. She should have 2 stages of attacking when on the door and the sound plays on either phase on attacking. Phase 1 is her ingame phase right now. Where she can be fend off by the door. On this phase you can simply close the door or fend her off by the flashlight. Now fending her off should be only with the flashlight on this phase i will explain why. Phase 2 she is closer to the door and she will attack right away and make you lose the night if you turn on your flashlight. She can be only fend off with the door on this phase. And she should have a voiceline or breathing sound when she is at phase 2 and you are standing on the door listening just like in Fnaf4. So phase 1 can be fend off only with flashlight and phase 2 only with the door. That fixes pretty much everything about the door. Now to the window. She should have another pose on the window where we cant see her unless we go to the window and uh yeah thats it nothing more. Maybe to spice things up a bit you can give us the ability to flashlight the window just like on 1.4 and since she has 1 more pose on the window her right now in game pose on the window should be still fend off with curtains and her other pose where she is somewhat hiding should be only fend off with the flashlight on window like she wants to avoid the light for now for that phase. Now power. Power in 1.4 was a joke and i could have it on through the entire night its perfect in this game. Every time i turned on my lights i felt challanged and felt like i was running out of power. That ones difficulty is perfect maybe too harsh even but in a good way. And again just like Smilers Den no freecam on sex scenes and a lack of bonus stuff and custom night. Didnt 1.4 had all of that? Like multiple angles on sex scenes and you could download like pics Malo sent you throught the night and those would be unlocked as pics. And there was the custom night which unlocked more stuff the harder you set your difficulty? Please let the older versions be downlaoded as well please. Other than that its a really good game it deserves the price tag maybe even more. I am legit suprised how better it looks than 1.4 it looks so so much better. And voice acting... Holy shit i did not saw that coming it adds so much to the game it adds so much live to the game i say whoever did it she did a really good job. But my guy lost his mansion and his pool lol hahahahaha. Anyway again thanks for reading and making this game.


Hey! Thanks for the feedback for both games! I made the lewd scenes only have one angle as it was easier to make the animations that way (hiding some bits that didn't match up properly). The main reason both games are much easier now is that a big complaint last time was that the game was far too difficult and I want everyone to be able to get to the end. I will be adding a nightmare mode for this game and adjusting the difficulties too. I also swapped the house because It was causing a lot of performance issues :P I will make changes to the door and gameplay as I go along. Thanks again!

Thank you for the reply. Good luck about making the game. But what about the old versions? Can i still somehow download those? Like 1.4 and 1.7 were really good and fun too.

I have put the old files back up for you to download :)

Thank you. Thank you so much.

(1 edit)

Thank you for this kind review have my thumbs up👍

(1 edit) (-4)

pls free but im no like play demo but im have money is swedish money but im no have USA money


Bro its just 5 bucks go buy the game or feel satisfied enough with the demo

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