Ok where do i start. First of all really good game 8/10 why 2 points broken? Let me start. It feel super easy. Like super easy. I bought Malo on cam too and i havent played the remastered version of it yet but i remember the 1.4 version and that has super hard i think the night 5 of 1.4 she was max AI from the start. Was it bad? No absoluty not it was fun and i felt like i earned it. Idk about the remaster yet i will check that out.This one? Super easy. I barely felt in danger of losing the night. She came to my door once through the entire game. Super easy i would honestly rush tasks and sit on cameras for her to pop up which even on night 4 and 5 she is not very agressive. There needs to be one more enemy which i tought there was becuse when you finish night 4 Smiler says: Your wolf girlfriend? She is here. But nope she is not here. It really need either one more door where she can attack or another enemy which is Malo. Or both. It does not have to be both but Malo or a new enemy is %100 needed with harder AI. Oh and this is not needed but the map is so bland and boring Like Fine nights at Candy 2. The first Candys was somewhat interesting to look at even tho it was just fnaf 1 map copy. But Candys2 and this games map is just so blank so uh empty. Like i know its the backrooms level 1 there is nothing here i know but there is another backrooms porn game here on İtchio its called Cumrooms their map is still backrooms but they made it look somehwhat interesting like there are a few stuff here and there something like that on this game could be better since most of our time is spent on cams since the AI is pretty passive. But as i said this can be completely ignored if the AI is harder or idk simple desks here and there and stuff like that could make the place a whole lot more lively. Like the previous teams stuff lying here and there. Anyway it is not needed and can be ignored but i think it would be uhh cool? Also she barely shows up on some cams if any at all. I remember a few cams where she came to 1 or 2 times or never on some cams. Now to the positive parts. Its still fun. I like the whole task thing like in Sister Location. Some of the tasks are just perfert like Eat Cheese or Text Malo. We need to fill a quota for photos for some company(Now where i heard that before lol Lethal Company) But she barely shows up on cams %90 of the nights were me waiting so she showed up in any cam and the other %10 was rushing tasks. Anyway Its great its quite polished and the sex scenes are good too. Well the sex scenes could use a freecam aside from that its pretty good. Also why it this cheaper than the rest of the games? Is it becuse its and early version or something and pretty much all i said here will be fixed and then the price tag will be rised? Honestly it %100 deserves the 5 bucks price tag. Anyway as i said need harder AI and you cant tease us with Malo and not have her appear. Like even the Smiler says at the end of night 4 and i got so excited yes finally a boss night some actual challange just for Malo to not appear at all.... Oh and the easter eggs. Eh egg. There is only 1 guess? That being when you sometimes open the computer it says Welcome Traveller instead of Welcome. I like small stuff like that a lot makes the game more lively and when she look at the wrong direction and the last cam she is waving but there is no camera there maybe thats not a easter egg idk but its pretty funny.Also there is no custom night?Like i cant even make a max mode thats such a shame. I was hoping for a max mode for a real challange since the game was super easy.And before you ask no Easy mode was not on. I should honestly check easy mode since without easy mode on it was super easy anyway.Or not becuase i might wait for her to pop up on cams for hours.Anyway thanks for making the game hopefully it was not a painful ride to read this thanks for reading.
Hi there, I bought the game and tried to boot up night 1, but the screen just stays static. I tried deleting data, potato mode, uninstall/reinstall but nothing works. This is for android btw
Just downloaded the new version of the game. I was able to play night 1 on potato mode, but now night 2 and scene 1 won't work, it just shows a static screen
Hello! The game is really good and all, but I've come across a problem in the custom night, where I literally can't log off at all, I take the required pictures and complete tasks, but nothing, and when a game over happens, there's no scene, it's just the enviroment of one of the scenes with moans and a cum button, but no one's there, thank you for listening
Just finished the game and the only critique I have would be the difficulty. I understand most people are more interested in the voluptuous- I mean fantabulous modeling but I feel like something to spice up the gameplay would be to add more objectives. maybe at some point, you need to go out and find something and remember your way back. this could also give unique scenes since it's out in the open. I get this style is pretty different from a roaming style game so don't dwell on that one much if you don't want to. or perhaps make it so there are two smilers to look out for; maybe one with a different way of fending it off, maybe with its own scenes. these are just things I thought of when playing and are not me saying "Oh you need this or the game sucks" No the game is great I just wanted to leave some input on it. sorry for the long "review" very good tongue- I mean game
Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate the criticism as it helps to make the game better in all ways. I do agree that the gameplay may get a little stale after a while, so I might take your suggestion into account for future updates! :)
when i load the game it crops and I can't see a decent amount of the screen and I couldn't see any resolution settings. is there a way to fix this? This was in the demo version, I wanted to check the game out before installing
[Bug Report] Hi, so here is what happened to me in this game...
Opened the game for the first time >> Tried the 1st night, everything running ok >> Closed the game >> Opened it after a while >> Pressing 1st night to play again >> Nothing works at all.
Tried making a clean re-installation. Deleting all files and reinstalling again.
Still the 1st night button does not work.
It seems there is a bug that appears to some of the users;
The strange thing is the game worked first time...
Hello, sorry, but I just bought the game and I don't see anything about the purchase that I made, it doesn't give me access to the download links, can someone please help me?
Hello, sorry for the late reply. If you bought the game it should appear in your library. If you do not see it please contact itch.io support. I am not responsible for purchases of the game :)
Tried the demo on android and the game crashed before a game over scene and now the game is soft locked to the main menu. Tapping night 1 does nothing, even after I closed the game and started it back up.
hello, I played version 1.1 for 1 night after death 2 times at night the game just crashes and when I start 2 nights the game just crashes I'm playing from a new phone "f150 b2"
Hello, I was able to try the Demo version of the game and I really like it.
Although the only problem was that it was going at 10 Fps with a mid-range phone (AND that it had the Popato Mode setting), but at least I was able to enjoy it with the only 2 nights.
I already got the 5 scenes from each night, so where do the other 3 scenes come from? Also, futa mode breaks ALL the scenes on mobile rn, they crash instantly
Ran into an issue on night 5. when she a pproched the hallway it was a 50-50 on if the walking sound would happen and even then if it did, it was after she caught you.
This is really interesting, one suggestion is to have sexual mechanics in the gameplay, and also to have another monster, as the game ended up being very simple
Actually pretty fun, love seeing you bring these to life these models and give them their own environment and story, can't wait to see what comes next!
Play the game to completion night 5 is the only challenging one then you unlock the cheat code all it really does is unlock the cinematics if you lose your data
I'm not stuck in here with her, she's stuck in here with me
In the famous words of the horny "swiggity swooty I'm coming for that booty"
few hours later: so I've got to say firstly she sexy and now onto the critique staring off with where is her head its just her hair, face texture and ears but no head it was obvious on the blowjob scene and "jump scare" but easy to see on potato mode also I'm not sure if i was accidently keeping her aggression down by periodically checking the cams but night 5 was the only one i had to run more than once to finish and the tasks in the other nights felt too quick and more of an annoyance than an obstacle to finish the night as in i could finish all of them without checking cams once then do all the photo requirements and the hand holding in the extra scene looks out of sync beyond that i think its pretty good for a new project
← Return to game
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Well I bought the game and wanted too start night 1 but the only thing I'm seeing is a static display I tried everything but it's the same problem
(Playing it on a galaxy A54 5G)
I download the new update but I have the same problem?
Sorry, I'm still trying to figure out the issue with that. I will post an update when I find the cause :)
That's why you download the demo maybe next time use your brain lol
Ok where do i start. First of all really good game 8/10 why 2 points broken? Let me start. It feel super easy. Like super easy. I bought Malo on cam too and i havent played the remastered version of it yet but i remember the 1.4 version and that has super hard i think the night 5 of 1.4 she was max AI from the start. Was it bad? No absoluty not it was fun and i felt like i earned it. Idk about the remaster yet i will check that out.This one? Super easy. I barely felt in danger of losing the night. She came to my door once through the entire game. Super easy i would honestly rush tasks and sit on cameras for her to pop up which even on night 4 and 5 she is not very agressive. There needs to be one more enemy which i tought there was becuse when you finish night 4 Smiler says: Your wolf girlfriend? She is here. But nope she is not here. It really need either one more door where she can attack or another enemy which is Malo. Or both. It does not have to be both but Malo or a new enemy is %100 needed with harder AI. Oh and this is not needed but the map is so bland and boring Like Fine nights at Candy 2. The first Candys was somewhat interesting to look at even tho it was just fnaf 1 map copy. But Candys2 and this games map is just so blank so uh empty. Like i know its the backrooms level 1 there is nothing here i know but there is another backrooms porn game here on İtchio its called Cumrooms their map is still backrooms but they made it look somehwhat interesting like there are a few stuff here and there something like that on this game could be better since most of our time is spent on cams since the AI is pretty passive. But as i said this can be completely ignored if the AI is harder or idk simple desks here and there and stuff like that could make the place a whole lot more lively. Like the previous teams stuff lying here and there. Anyway it is not needed and can be ignored but i think it would be uhh cool? Also she barely shows up on some cams if any at all. I remember a few cams where she came to 1 or 2 times or never on some cams. Now to the positive parts. Its still fun. I like the whole task thing like in Sister Location. Some of the tasks are just perfert like Eat Cheese or Text Malo. We need to fill a quota for photos for some company(Now where i heard that before lol Lethal Company) But she barely shows up on cams %90 of the nights were me waiting so she showed up in any cam and the other %10 was rushing tasks. Anyway Its great its quite polished and the sex scenes are good too. Well the sex scenes could use a freecam aside from that its pretty good. Also why it this cheaper than the rest of the games? Is it becuse its and early version or something and pretty much all i said here will be fixed and then the price tag will be rised? Honestly it %100 deserves the 5 bucks price tag. Anyway as i said need harder AI and you cant tease us with Malo and not have her appear. Like even the Smiler says at the end of night 4 and i got so excited yes finally a boss night some actual challange just for Malo to not appear at all.... Oh and the easter eggs. Eh egg. There is only 1 guess? That being when you sometimes open the computer it says Welcome Traveller instead of Welcome. I like small stuff like that a lot makes the game more lively and when she look at the wrong direction and the last cam she is waving but there is no camera there maybe thats not a easter egg idk but its pretty funny.Also there is no custom night?Like i cant even make a max mode thats such a shame. I was hoping for a max mode for a real challange since the game was super easy.And before you ask no Easy mode was not on. I should honestly check easy mode since without easy mode on it was super easy anyway.Or not becuase i might wait for her to pop up on cams for hours.Anyway thanks for making the game hopefully it was not a painful ride to read this thanks for reading.
why wont the cheat code work for the full game
Hi there, I bought the game and tried to boot up night 1, but the screen just stays static. I tried deleting data, potato mode, uninstall/reinstall but nothing works. This is for android btw
Thanks for the bug report. Can I know what phone you are using?
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S20. I never have any issues running anything else
Just downloaded the new version of the game. I was able to play night 1 on potato mode, but now night 2 and scene 1 won't work, it just shows a static screen
Hello! The game is really good and all, but I've come across a problem in the custom night, where I literally can't log off at all, I take the required pictures and complete tasks, but nothing, and when a game over happens, there's no scene, it's just the enviroment of one of the scenes with moans and a cum button, but no one's there, thank you for listening
Thanks! The bug been updated in patreon. I will post the update with the custom night here soon :)
Where can i find the cheat code pls
Its wy709iNG6i8
thank you
no problem👍
ios when? (atleast .ipa file)
Sorry! I do not have an IOS device to test it on.
sad :(
Vari good game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just finished the game and the only critique I have would be the difficulty. I understand most people are more interested in the voluptuous- I mean fantabulous modeling but I feel like something to spice up the gameplay would be to add more objectives. maybe at some point, you need to go out and find something and remember your way back. this could also give unique scenes since it's out in the open. I get this style is pretty different from a roaming style game so don't dwell on that one much if you don't want to. or perhaps make it so there are two smilers to look out for; maybe one with a different way of fending it off, maybe with its own scenes. these are just things I thought of when playing and are not me saying "Oh you need this or the game sucks" No the game is great I just wanted to leave some input on it. sorry for the long "review" very good tongue- I mean game
Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate the criticism as it helps to make the game better in all ways. I do agree that the gameplay may get a little stale after a while, so I might take your suggestion into account for future updates! :)
when i load the game it crops and I can't see a decent amount of the screen and I couldn't see any resolution settings. is there a way to fix this? This was in the demo version, I wanted to check the game out before installing
What resolution if your monitor? the game is recommended for 1920x1080 or 16:9 displays :)
that's a problem on my end then because my resolution is not that lol my apologies
[Bug Report]
Hi, so here is what happened to me in this game...
Opened the game for the first time >> Tried the 1st night, everything running ok >> Closed the game >> Opened it after a while >> Pressing 1st night to play again >> Nothing works at all.
Tried making a clean re-installation. Deleting all files and reinstalling again.
Still the 1st night button does not work.
It seems there is a bug that appears to some of the users;
The strange thing is the game worked first time...
It may be because of a data bug. I will look into it. Have you tried deleting the game data?
Yes, I have tried deleting the game data. Then tried to do a clean install
I paid to have the game, you're supposed to give it to me, I don't know how others do it
Hello, sorry, but I just bought the game and I don't see anything about the purchase that I made, it doesn't give me access to the download links, can someone please help me?
Hello, sorry for the late reply. If you bought the game it should appear in your library. If you do not see it please contact itch.io support. I am not responsible for purchases of the game :)
Tried the demo on android and the game crashed before a game over scene and now the game is soft locked to the main menu. Tapping night 1 does nothing, even after I closed the game and started it back up.
is the head supposed to be see through?
Yes :)
ah ok
hello, I played version 1.1 for 1 night after death 2 times at night the game just crashes and when I start 2 nights the game just crashes I'm playing from a new phone "f150 b2"
If you really want to play night 3 and farther, you need to wait around 1 and a half minute to continue fun
Hello, I was able to try the Demo version of the game and I really like it.
Although the only problem was that it was going at 10 Fps with a mid-range phone (AND that it had the Popato Mode setting), but at least I was able to enjoy it with the only 2 nights.
Very good work :)
Thank you for the feedback! I am still trying to improve on optimization for low end devices :P
Great game
I already got the 5 scenes from each night, so where do the other 3 scenes come from? Also, futa mode breaks ALL the scenes on mobile rn, they crash instantly
The 3 scenes are in the extras tab once you beat all 5 nights. I will look into the futa bug, thanks!
My game can't seem to start on mobile maybe a bug I hope it gets fix soon or it's just me
Hello, can i know what mobile device you are using?
Топ игра лучше чем не которые популярные игры
How do you get the cheat password
You need to beat all 5 nights first :)
Ran into an issue on night 5. when she a pproched the hallway it was a 50-50 on if the walking sound would happen and even then if it did, it was after she caught you.
Thanks for the bug report. I will look into it
One of the best games i've ever played(better than fnab)🗣️
It looks like my phone is a real potato. I do not know what to do, but after a defeat, my game crashes.
Is the best nsfw game i even played, i hope have more content soon
Thanks! There is more content planned :)
what kind?
Custom nights and more gameplay elements. I might add a gallery too to see the photos you took
This is really interesting, one suggestion is to have sexual mechanics in the gameplay, and also to have another monster, as the game ended up being very simple
Port to mobile?
Mobile update should be out sometime this week :)
Seems really well made and animated! Good stuff.
Will there be footjob in a future update?
I might add it in the future :)
Actually pretty fun, love seeing you bring these to life these models and give them their own environment and story, can't wait to see what comes next!
Tysm! :)
I thought i knew it all thought i saw it all didnt stop to cop the meaning of it all
how do you get the cheat code is it on patreon or
Play the game to completion night 5 is the only challenging one then you unlock the cheat code all it really does is unlock the cinematics if you lose your data
I'm not stuck in here with her, she's stuck in here with me
In the famous words of the horny "swiggity swooty I'm coming for that booty"
few hours later: so I've got to say firstly she sexy and now onto the critique staring off with where is her head its just her hair, face texture and ears but no head it was obvious on the blowjob scene and "jump scare" but easy to see on potato mode also I'm not sure if i was accidently keeping her aggression down by periodically checking the cams but night 5 was the only one i had to run more than once to finish and the tasks in the other nights felt too quick and more of an annoyance than an obstacle to finish the night as in i could finish all of them without checking cams once then do all the photo requirements and the hand holding in the extra scene looks out of sync beyond that i think its pretty good for a new project
Will there be futa-on-male in a future update?
I will add a futa toggle during the mobile update and may add some special animations for that ;)
her head is see through in the blowjob scene
should add a futa mode